Saturday, 21 October 2017


In this post I am going to discuss our build.[username].properties file.

I tried configure Liferay 7 and got this error 
"app.server.parent.dir" is not correct.

To configure Liferay environment previously I realized that this file namely 
build.[username].properties automatically created (but now may be I have some issue that this file is not generating automatically).
So to avoid this problem we first have to create this file.
[username] is name of computer user.

To know user name :

I created a folder namely workspace,

Inside this folder I extracted liferay-ce-portal and liferay-sdk

Suppose my system user name is user, so I have to create a .properties file and file name must be file else at the time of creation of portlet it throws error.

My workspace location, path of all folders and files(Windows).

WorkSpace Path: D:\liferayWorkSpaces\LiferaySeven
Liferay portal path: D:\liferayWorkSpaces\LiferaySeven\liferay-ce-portal-7.0-ga3
Tomcat path: D:\liferayWorkSpaces\LiferaySeven\liferay-ce-portal-7.0-ga3\tomcat-8.0.32
Liferay sdk path: D:\liferayWorkSpaces\LiferaySeven\liferay-plugins-sdk-7.0

Main content of this post :
Path: D:\liferayWorkSpaces\LiferaySeven\liferay-plugins-sdk-7.0\

Content of

app.server.type = tomcat
app.server.parent.dir = D:\\liferayWorkSpaces\\LiferaySeven\\liferay-ce-portal-7.0-ga3
app.server.tomcat.dir = D:\\liferayWorkSpaces\\LiferaySeven\\liferay-ce-portal-7.0-ga3\\tomcat-8.0.32
app.server.tomcat.deploy.dir = D:\\liferayWorkSpaces\\LiferaySeven\\liferay-ce-portal-7.0-ga3\\tomcat-8.0.32\\webapps
app.server.tomcat.portal.dir = D:\\liferayWorkSpaces\\LiferaySeven\\liferay-ce-portal-7.0-ga3\\tomcat-8.0.32\\webapps\\ROOT = D:\\liferayWorkSpaces\\LiferaySeven\\liferay-ce-portal-7.0-ga3\\tomcat-8.0.32\\lib\\ext